
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Final Situaton of Turkey

The underlying reason for the problem of Turkey,not to let to work well Turkish constitutional law and the state affairs.Besides,also play too much role geographical position,history,religion and ignorance.

If I don't wrongly remembered,Turkey is just the one country in the world,which has laic seculer statment and more than 95 % are moslem of people.The system of laic-seculer statment is a bit far from other islam countries and according to their opnion laic democracy is dangerous for their system.Therefore,thoese states never want to see a strong democratic Turkey.Besides Turkey want to be member of European Union.Without of knowing Turkish gospel truth,the EU want to have radical changing from Turkish legal and state system.Actualy Turkey did too much alteration about.But Turkey is not ready for all.Because of mishandling,religion,ethnic difference and for sure ignorance.

As you see in Turkey,everybody talking about of changing.But just from their side and abstract conception,whichs insaide are hollow.Instead of to take concrete steps.For example till this time no one incl.Kurdish politician never talk enything about UNESCO report,the situation to be ashamed about of South-East Anatolian.Now the government party want make some changing with basic law without of taking agrement from other parties.But people afraid that thoese changing would be according of the government party wish to get under control to the high court.They thinks that all event in Turkey are just to show to have under control of the state system.For example,yesterday our prime minister Mr.Erdogan has threaten to journelist and media.

All religion show the people to be good.But besaides the religion ist best usefull cause for shortsighted politician and capitalizm for vote potantial and cheap labour.Accordin of islam rule,there is nobady between god and human.But besaides you can see too muny religious sect and their leader in Turkey.But in Turkey there is also departmant of religious affairs to help to people for their religioun necessity.The answer of having too muny religious sect is so clear just to have under control to people.Useing the wey is so simple,first stoping to equality at the education to make people ignorant.After start to sell imaginarly paradaise to them.In conjunction with,you can reduce to people wish from this life.First point,departmant of religious affairs must be fight against of religious sect and their leader to save people from them and capitalism.It means they must be done their job and goverment must be behaind of them.

Second is,there are regular different intelligance services in Turkey.But all specific cases are,which make caos in Turkey,starting with a well knowed daily newspaper.This is very suspensive and tragic event.

1=) First misson must be to enhance the service quality of the state to raise life standart of citizen for all politics partys in Turkey,instead of to fight with the states system for their ideology.
2=) All politics partys must be make an extension insaide of them to be build up right democracy in.
3=) All politics partys must be feel respect constitutional courts decaides and support it.
4=) Departmant of Religious Affairs must be done his jobs.Immediately,all religious sect and their leader must be eradicatet.
5=) Our secret service must be done their jobs.The agenda of Turkey musn't create up according to main topic of newspaper.

Zekeriya Can

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